1. Keeping a Personal Data file.
When you visit CLICKGATE LTD’s pages and use its services, you may be asked to provide information about you (name, occupation, email address, date of birth, etc.) in order to activate corresponding services (newsletters, Web2SMS, etc.) on your behalf and to ensure the ability to communicate with you, to which you have already explicitly agreed to let us know about our new products and services.
It is clarified that visit CLICKGATE LTD does not have a publicly accessible list of e-mail addresses for its subscribers. Therefore, any personal data (such as access names, etc.) that appear anywhere in the pages and services of the visit CLICKGATE LTD’s website are intended solely to ensure the operation of the respective service and not may be used by any third party without complying with the provisions of Law 2472/97 and Law 3471/06 on the protection against the processing of personal data as it applies each time. visit CLICKGATE LTD operates in line with current legislation and aims to better implement good Internet practice. Your personal information is kept secure for as long as you are registered with a service of visit CLICKGATE LTD and are deleted after any termination of your deal with visit CLICKGATE LTD. When it comes to individuals who have not yet subscribed to a service but who have been involved in other on-line activities (eg in competitions) from time to time, their data are retained for as long as is necessary to ensure proper implementation of this The personal data you declare to visit CLICKGATE LTD are used exclusively by the company for the purpose of supporting, promoting and executing the transaction relationship or for statistical purposes. Recipients of file data may be companies that may be involved in the promotion, support and servicing of the business relationship and only for the purpose of providing electronic communications services or any value added services requested by the user and always subject to the conditions of Articles 4 and 5 (5) b of Law 3471/06. Evidence of the file shall also be communicated to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities at their legitimate request and in accordance with the applicable laws. The User has, within the scope of the Telecommunications Privacy Act, the right to information and objection provided by the provisions of Law 2472/1997 and Law 3471/06 on personal data.
2. Use of cookies
During any visit to visit CLICKGATE LTD’s site, the pages you see, along with the cookies they contain, may be “loaded” on your computer. Cookies are text-files through which the visit CLICKGATE LTD server recognizes your computer.
These cookies are stored on your computer only in order to facilitate or facilitate the transmission of your communication over the electronic communications network or when it is necessary to provide the service you have requested.
Cookies record only the areas of the site that that computer has visited and for how long. The user may at any time configure his computer to accept the existence of cookies, be alerted when a cookie is issued, or reject the installation of cookies. If you have not set your computer to reject cookies, you can surf the site of visit CLICKGATE LTD anonymously until you sign up for one of its services.
3. Provision of information
From time to time we will provide you with information about other visit CLICKGATE LTD services and products that you can subscribe to and use. We also offer you the opportunity to participate in surveys conducted by visit CLICKGATE LTD or its affiliates, which examine the effectiveness and impact of the services provided.
4. Users under 18
For users under the age of 18 years, it is assumed that parents / guardians consent in advance to any personal privacy statement on the visit CLICKGATE LTD website.
5. Data Processing and Protection
This document describes visit CLICKGATE LTD’s policy on personal information (“information”) that visitors to its pages (so-called “users”) make known to them whenever they wish to they send out CVs looking for recruitment opportunities, or when they are enrolled as candidates for recruitment or when they send or write in any way CVs or general information in which their personal data are included or when they take part in ongoing etaseis tests or through the website or if in any way send such information and / or contact the visit CLICKGATE LTD company via email.